FOSS Science Physics of Sound


Unit Goals/Objectives

      Observe and compare sounds to develop sound discrimination ability

      Communicate with others using a drop code

      Learn that sound originates from a source that is vibrating and is detected at a receiver such as a human ear

      Understand the relationship between the pitch of a sound and the physical properties of the sound source (length, frequency, and tension)

      Observe and compare how sound travels through solids, liquids, and gas





The Physics of Sound unit consists of four investigations �

1)            Dropping in
Key Content Sound has identifiable properties; objects can be identified by sound; sounds can convey information; sound is caused by vibrations; sound requires a source and a receiver; volume is determined by intensity of vibrations

2)          Good Vibrations
Key Content Sound originates from vibrating sources; pitch is how high or low; differences in pitch are caused by rate an object vibrates; pitch can be changed

3)           How Sound Travels
Key Content Vibrations need a medium to travel; sound travels through solids, liquids, and gases; outer ear is designed to gather sound energy

4)          Sound Challenges
Key Content Variables affect pitch; sound can travel through different mediums to the sound receiver; the medium sound passes through affects its volume

End of the Unit PROJECT�. Creating a MUSICAL Instrument.